Friday, September 6, 2013

About Me

Hi. My name is Kiana Francis. I'm from Hampton, Virginia. This is my second year at Richard Bland. During the summer I was working at a clothing store called Olive Ole. The major I'm studying for is Sociology. I'm hoping to become a child care worker. I plan on transferring to Virginia State or Old Dominion University. Outside of school I enjoy spending time with my friends and family. So far I enjoy my English class. It seems very interesting. English always been one of my favorite subjects. This is my first time ever doing a blog. I still don't know how to blog, but I'll get use to it.


  1. Hey Kiana, this is my first time blogging too. I am studying to be a nurse, I plan to transfer to VCU. Over the summer I worked a at factory called Fareva where they make chap stick and Advil. I look forward to reading more of your post.

  2. Hello Kiana, My name is Chelsea Anderson, and this is also my second year here at bland, I plan on making VSU one of my transfer choices also. I've never heard of Olive Ole before. Our majors are somewhat alike in a way, I want to major in Psychology in possibly working with kids myself. I enjoy my english class as well, Sweeney makes class so much interesting than any ordinary class setting. I've actually done this blogging thing before with Sweeney on last semester and it is a great way to express yourself and let people know what you really don't just normally say to people in person, and it is pretty easy to get used to, so dont think of it as homework, or an assignment but as something fun to do! Nice bloggin' with you Kiana. Maybe I'll see you around Bland sometimes!

  3. hey kiana,am Rita and I think you doing perfectly well with your blogging. This is my first time and I think you are better than I am. I couldn't even remember my Gmail account and even talking about how to blog. you doing good girl.

  4. This is my first time blogging too! AND I'm also from Hampton, VA. This is only my first year at RBC. I plan to go into the field of Diagnostic Medical Sonography to become an Ultrasound Technician. Good luck to you this year!
